Thursday 30 March 2017

My Style Of Writing

When I ask someone what type of genres they prefer to read they say Lovestories without a thought. All Indian authors and screenplaywrights, inspired by this write nothing but lovestories.
But I'm never gonna write the routine stories. The world is full of those stories and I would be a cow in the herd if I write the same. So, I try as much as possible to make my stories to tell something new but I am not a preacher, please. My stories will depict familiar things in a different way and different things in a familiar way. I am inspired by Nolan, Fincher, Hitchcock and Cameroon. I am a moviebuff and I watch movies selectively(very selectively). My favourites are Fightclub, The butterfly effect, Se7en, Memento, Interstellar. These movies are the inspiration to my stories and I want my readers to gape in awe as I did when I watched these movies. When it comes to characters, I love Joker and it's my aim to write a character like him....
When it comes to books, I like The Fault in Our Stars, Kane and Abel, Da Vinci Code, Mein Kampf, Harry Potter, The Murder of Roger Ackroyd. If you haven't read or seen them, take my word. You'll be awed....


 Being a writer, always ideas and storylines occupy my head. And in the process of framing my ideas, I got to know a thing. Any writer or artist, wannabe ones or wannabeing ones, when they put their thoughts on the paper for the first time, it'll be so immature and fragile. Others may appreciate it or love the piece of work, but it'll be so shitty. They can realize it by reviewing after a period of time. If they realize the thing after publishing it, I am sure that they're gonna repent it.  In my case, I wrote a novel when I was in my 10th standard and showed it to my friends. And they praised it like any thing which injected some resilience in me to complete it. I tried to publish it, but in vain. So I left it to rest for some months. And when I read it after some months I wondered was it me who wrote this piece of shit.
So take my word as advice or message, just take time to publish your work because you can't retrieve it after it becomes public...

Monday 20 March 2017


I hate teachers for many reasons. No offense. Because they are more interested in marks than producing mature students. They are the primary suppressors of intelligence and new ideas. Teachers quiet down a why with a whack and a how with a howl or a what if with a smirk. Don't believe me?? Ask Einstein or Graham Bell. Ironically, the people who are termed fools by teachers turned out to be achievers and lot more. They are always interested in spectacled front row geeks or the nodding headed headboys. I am proud to be remarked by my teachers.

Some Quotes

 Silence has more meanings than      words.
Woman, if  social, are called     witches and sometimes the 'w' gets replaced by 'b'

  I believe in existence of God not In      God.

      To make yourself noticed by                   everyone be either Conversative           or just be conservative.

      I always treat my bad luck as a             stranger yet it treats me it's                   boyfriend.

Saturday 21 January 2017

A thought

Hello to whoever indulged into this post...

Last night when I was having a casual gab with dudes when we jumped to the topic writers. Many of them openly stated that they prefer foreign authors to Desi writers. I probed them to answer but they denied and I shrugged. This afternoon I got to know the answer when I was checking out some books on Amazon. I am a fan of thrillers and whatever that's different from routine. But all the bestsellers are just lovestories. I dont think there's anything creative in writing your lovestories or your friend's. Indian readers aren't confined to a genre. But Indian authors are. It's hightime they realized it.

Friday 13 January 2017


Paradoxes intrigue me. Bcos they're the one which are right and wrong at the same time. Like an angry girlfriend or wife. Dreams , sleep, desires and even life is such a paradoxically paradoxical thing. One minute you are alive and the next you meet oblivion. One sec you're awake and the next in a deep slumber. When you try to see and understand the world in a completely different way, as I am doing now, people would call you a genius or a fool. I dont mind if you call me either. Bcos it's also a paradox.

Aim your Goal

Aims and goals are different which many people think are the same. Aims are like Public limited company whereas goals are like patents. The aim of an engineering class is the same. But goals are that which make YOU unique, which reveal your role played in the Shakespearean theatrical world. So dont aim big, make your goals as huge and unique as possible. For example aim is like desiring a 100 likes for this post.  It may overlap with other pupil's aim. But goal is like seeing my name in the google prediction after you enter my first name. Think bout it ;)